Good Riddance 2022
... here's to 2023, and to those who understand that progress requires truth
I’d like to end 2022 on a positive note, but it does not deserve one, in fact, i'm going to remember 2022 as the year of the jesters, you know, the silly fools who would entertain their masters with song, dance, acting... can you think of any jester-whores from 2022, i dunno, anthony fauci, joseph brandon, neil young, joni mitchel, bill gates, george soros, the entire cnn organization, the cdc, the nih, the fbi, the 60 critters that signed the 'russian dissinformation' letter, mr levine (who calls himself racheel), the unemployed bald-headed clepto with a bit of knowledge about nuclear waste, 80 percent of congress, 80 percent of the senate, everyone nominated by the brandon, election workers, education boards, the EU, the WHO, the WEF and all of it's affiliates, the dick that runs canada and his counter parts in australia and new zeland, anyone that still champions experimental/fake vaccines, anyone that decries an end to democracy, folks that support boys who compete as girls, people who think the DNC is for the working class, folks who say the southern border is secure, folks that put green energy over sources of energy that's reliable, folks that enforced experimental serums and wondered why they can’t find enough employees to be operational... all jesters and actors and whores... well, look... i could go on and on and on, but who has the time, but ,—despite my intial judgement—2022 was the year where ‘smart’ people's unproven theories were actually proven to be dumb-fvck wrong (hello safe and effective).
... hopefully your attention span isn't as short as sociopath leaders and advertisers hope it is... hopefully you will remember who the 'experts' (jesters) that tried to play us like dumpster-dug fiddles, and hopefully you don't fall for the mantra of 'forgive and forget', forgiveness is reserved for those who realize they require it, the jesters i speak of are emboldened to repeat their manipulative exploitations as long as they can get away with it.
... who were the 'experts' that fooled you? when did you realize they were bending reality to feed their egos and their own wallets? what was the trigger that woke you up to the folly of professional bull-shitters?
... whatever the trigger that woke you from your slumber (i like to think it was the holy spirit), i'm glad that you see more clearly then last new year's eve... i'm glad that your discerment has been sharpened, and that you don't take so called 'experts' word's as gold, experts can be folks that simply repeated what their teachers said enough times to be able to write it down themselves... many experts are smart folks that can't/won't think for themselves, they submit to their teachers and bosses narratives and whims and the popular crowd... sometimes a ten year old child can shame an expert who won't think for themselves, the so called experts who regurgitate the horse-shit they were fed/consume... most smart people are only as smart as the information they consume, and regular people and idiots are stuck with the consequences of believing and following the advice of doofuses.
... not sure about you, but i sincerely hope that 2023 isn't the year of the doofus, or the jesters of last year... i sincerely hope that 2023 is the year of the folks that the doofuses and their followers cancelled in previous years... i sincerely hope that 2023 isn't the year that idiots don't fall for the gaslighting playbook of the doofuses and the manipulative-class... i sincerely hope that 2023 will be a year in which the folks that got played by the professional players will push back HARD on the exploiters and manipulators and liars and cheaters and phoney-baloney 'experts' and the dick-heads that are running our country into the ground at a cheetah's pace... i sincerely hope that 2023 is a year in which folks put God as their priority instead of jester 'experts', i sincerely hope that 2023 will give the good-hearted pacifists some fvcking backbone, i sincerely hope that 2023 is the year that folks are willing to do some hard and painful work to regain what was taken from them by so called leaders and experts... on second thought, i don't just 'sincerely hope' these things, i 'pray' these things because they are necessary, otherwise the world-wide downward spiral deepens, and darkness will continue to consume those who practice it and fall victim to it... i pray that 2023 is the year of the sheepdog, the sheepdogs that go out of their way to secure the flock from the wolves, the sheepdogs that will beat back the wolves that belong in the abyss, the wolves that work on behalf of their ghoulish master.
... 2023 must be a year where the masses DEMAND truth over folly/entertainment/propaganda/ass-eating leaders/resource-hoarding elites/salesmen of feces and the folks who ruled our airwaves... 2023 must be a year where masses aren't distracted by emotional opportunists that despise truth... 2023 must be a year that the masses turn form their wicked ways, lift their eyes to their maker, and chose to follow the light, instead of those who hide in the darkness of lies and emotional manipulation, deceit wastes everyone's time and energy... i pray that 2023 is a year in which truth prevails, and folks won't settle for anything less... i pray that 2023 is the most enlightening and healthy year of your life...
... one more thing, please pardon my spelling errors and poor grammar, the shit-head folks who gaslight me for such errors are the jesters and whores that i speak of :-) -- ct
I hear ya.
I’d focus on what God wants for your benefit in the temple of you, in your internal and external reality, and connect them together as your life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, because I know for a fact He wants Love and Light for you and your family. It’s in your first name.
He loves when people listen to Him, and “follow the bread trails of His reality.” He is always giving us His clues about how to best serve ourselves unto Him.
Happy New Year, Chris!
01-02-23: the science speaks for itself:
... glad that tony the faucci finally stepped down, prosecution of the little critter should be next