
despite my seemingly blasphemy against the word 'faith' in part of the post, i exercised a ton of it on some long drives over the long weekend, especially the solo legs of the trip... sometimes the words 'faith' and 'motivation' get mixed-up in my mind, something about them blend together somehow... sometimes things make perfect sense, other times we meet a challenge without understanding all of the steps/variables/conditions/obstacles, but you know it's right... what did a step of faith 'teach you', you learned something from it, your faith has brought you to more knowledge, it's yielded more understanding and wisdom, and hopefully deepened your relationship with our Creator.

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I enjoyed the read. And I’m still baffled and upset by that bitch that is the CEO of Mega Foundation: The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe, who banned me for 100 years[!? And that crazy lady even had the audacity to steal some of my ideas like a politician does to get more money in his pocket.] Same problem I always have with women in whatever capacity our relationship exists: working, intimate, friendly only... my first friend (female) in this life was the same way. I do not believe anymore that all women are this way; I believe that I need to continue my story arc.

I saw a Cinderella Barista being bullied by her boss, and today I was prepared to ask her on a date, but she wasn’t there. I actually was sad by this, but I know it offered some insight. I hope she didn’t quite or get fired, but we will see.

I see her as an Angel of Divinity, and it terrifies me, the fear I have about it, but I know she likes me, because our spirits talk to each other in person.

Anyways, I think you’d make a better pastor than a pastor, because you don’t claim ownership of God and the Bible like most of them do.

But I also did read a book recently called The Golden Thread, a good one about the hidden interconnectedness and crisscrossing of different divine mystery views.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Author

"I enjoyed the read" ... thanks Eric, i appreciate your opinion

"I’m still baffled and upset" ... yep, you certainly are

"Same problem I always have with women" ... chicks are weird, but awesome too... there, i mildly offended half the world's population in less than a sentence... hint, they think we are weird too, probably because we are... communicating honestly, and being deliberate about setting expectations as soon as possible helps with some relational issues

"I think you’d make a better pastor" ... thanks again, the only thing i lay claim to is 175lbs of flesh and bones, and an ego that requires an intimate relationship with my Father... i'll leave pastoring to the pros

... looking forward to reading that Golden Thread book, thanks for the tip...

... the CTMU folks are an interesting bunch, despite their individual and collective intellect, they are still students, and some of them actually know it... i don't have a beef with them based on my experience, but i'm not their 'type', i'm a bit slow in the noggin, and not well-read or educated, so there's that... smart folks ought to be better ministering to their own, even the one's who haven't realized that they aren't God, yet... i actually pray for some of them... and you too... that the 'body of God' will effectively assist in setting the captives free, the folks that are still stuck in the matrix, and to purify our souls/spirits... there seems to be a zillion different perspectives on what we should be doing to assist God, and what goals should be accomplished... praying for God to motivate, and lead His people away from useless folly, and more productive for humanity's sake...

... thanks for your feedback, and for sharing

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