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i'd like to thank a Midwestern Physician, and Robert Malone for the article, but you have to pay to leave a comment... if i had to pay to read everything that interests me i'd be more broke then i already am... i already pay for a few 'subscriptions' from some folks, but i can't keep paying for more and more subscriptions, sorry folks... with that aside, i appreciate the article, and the focus that they put on 'gulf war syndrome'... i blew-up tons of ordnance in iraq in 1991, and blame myself for much of the environmental hazards that a bunch of folks were exposed to, i'm sure it didn't make the air-quality any better for anyone--we don't know what was in all of those munitions, you could tell by some markings, but most bunkers were considered 'booby-trapped', so we couldn't move stuff around to really look at them, we just blew them in place, a bunker at a time (sometimes a few at a time)... anyhow, if it was one of (or a mix of) some of the prophylactics that we were forced to take then it helps ease my soul a bit, but it doesn't make anything better, fortunately we can learn from history/experience/hind-sight, etc -- ct

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