
Sometimes i look at strange things through the filter of a former military guy, and types of 'warfare'... i understand some concepts of nuclear, BIOLOGICAL, and chemical warfare... i also understand concepts of Psychological operations/warfare (Psy-Ops), and some of it's methodology... psych-ops (manipulation) use tactics such as fear, suggestive propaganda, distracting stimuli, distortion of reality, i.e., black is white, white is black-- right is wrong, wrong is right--that cat is a cow, and that cow is a cat... so what sort's of things are being sold as 'the new normal', and are they actually normal, or a suggestive manipulative distorted 'preferred' reality?

What sorts of things used to be considered ‘abnormal’… and, is either considered—or demanded—to be ‘normal’ now?

How have those new ideas been proven/dis-proven, or spread?

Who, or ‘What’ is selling those ‘new normal’ ideas/concepts, and Why (motives)?

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022Author

here's a brief quote from an article that i read today:

"Democrats on Friday already started their attacks on McCarthy's plan and called it an "extreme MAGA agenda." and "House Republicans are doubling down on an extreme MAGA agenda: to criminalize women’s health care, to slash seniors’ Medicare (including with the repeal of the lower drug prices for seniors in the Inflation Reduction Act), and to attack our democracy," according to a press release from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif." -- https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mccarthy-committment-america-includes-fighting-inflation-border-security-protecting-womens-sports

... 'extreme maga' and 'attack our democracy' are the repetitive suggestions of the DNC cult... Aren't they cute, like little puppy-dogs :-)

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022Author

There are some factors involved to be able to understand the concepts outlined in the post above... such as:

level of humility vs. egocentricity

your genetic processing capability

the sources of the information that you consume

the size of the environment that you are willing to consider

willingness to search for truth beyond spoon-fed propaganda

desire to see the world as it is--and not just what you're comfortable assuming (take the red pill Neo)

... i'm sure there are others too... thanks for your time and consideration

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