

...using predictive modeling based on trending data/narratives, well, i think this is sort of how it's going to play out... christopher wray is going to tell senators grassley and johnson that they are:

1. racists

2. they are a threat to democracy and the very foundations of our country

3. they are super-mega-ultra maga's

4. they are unfounded conspiracy theorists

5. and don't forget 'domestic terrorists'

... and then facey-book, twitter, and instagram will find some guideline/reason to bury the story, and the truth

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Sep 21, 2022·edited May 11, 2023Author

The ship of fools is sailing full-steam ahead, and leaving it's wake of destruction and destabilization through all waters that it navigates.

My advice to the reader, if you're still stammering aboard the dnc then 'jump-ship' ASAP... you have a better chance surviving the sharks in water than the one's guiding your vessel.

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022Author

There are some factors involved to be able to understand the concepts outlined in the post above... such as:

level of humility vs. egocentricity

your genetic processing capability

the sources of the information that you consume

the size of the environment that you are willing to consider

willingness to search for truth beyond spoon-fed propaganda

desire to see the world as it is--and not just what you're comfortable assuming (take the red pill Neo)

... i'm sure there are others too... thanks for your time and consideration

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