Aug 25, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Author

I briefly met the current Secretary of the Navy not too long ago, he seemed to be a likable and reasonable guy... i trust that he's searching for a suitable replacement for the other Navy guy mentioned in the main post/article above... Given all that we know now about the effectiveness and health concerns over the schwab/gates/fauci-vax it seems self-evident that those who refused the jabs should no longer be ostracized and victimized, but honored and rewarded... it should also seem self-evident that leaders who became puppet yes-men enforcers and punished the smart folks who rejected jabs be recognized for their mistakes and lack of discernment expected by leaders

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Lescher, who serves as the Navy's second-highest ranking uniformed officer, stated in a sworn declaration before the Supreme Court earlier this year that allowing unvaccinated SEALs will cause "immediate harm to the Navy" and "to the national security of the United States" and could be considered a "dereliction of duty."


If this parasite to the tax-payer, and barnacle to the Navy, that's no longer fit to work on KP (kitchen patrol) stated something in a 'sworn declaration' that means that he perjured himself to the Supreme Court, and straight-out fvcking lied under oath, and caused irreparable harm to actual heros... he's a cowardly liar, and is now just a living breathing paradox... fvcking fool needs to be removed from post ASAP, he is a dangerous pudding-head that ought to be court-martialed and enjoy the rest of his years chasing the rats out of the brig, but that might be too gracious to him.

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